Sunday, December 4, 2011

Winter Bucketlist

summer is gone:(

*make a snowman*

*go on a photo adventure*

*make sugar cookies*

*find the perfect Christmas present*

*shovel someone's driveway*

*go snowshoeing*

*go indoor rock climbing*

*complete a puzzle*

*make a snow angel*

*go to Canada*

*make a beanie. or 2 or 3:)*

*have a snowball fight*

*pull sleds behind a 4-wheeler in the snow*

*make a snow fort*

*go to breakfast during school:)*

*find amazing leg warmers and socks*

*roast marshmallows on the stove*

*go to Salt Lake and see the lights at Temple Square*

*figure out what I'm doing with my life*

*spend a snowy day in the library*

*go to Spark and get yummy drinks*

*make a meal by scratch*

*decorate bedroom with Christmas lights*

*roll around in the snow, then jump in a hot tub*

*yodel on a chair lift*

*go indoor mini golfing*

*leave candy canes in random places to brighten someone's day*

*go sledding*

*go to h & m*

*get into byu and u of u and usu*

*ride in a carriage around salt lake*

*get crepes*


*go ice skating*

*have a bonfire*

*go caroling*

*go disco skating*

*dye my hair*

*kiss in the snow*

*read 10 good books*

*go to a byu basketball game*

*have a movie marathon*

*create something beautiful*

*find poloroid paper*

*make a blanket fort*

*catch a snowflake on my tongue*

*go tubing*

*make cookies for someone*

*go on a road trip*

*get a job*

*get a new ipod (or find mine)*

*go bowling*

*kiss under mistletoe*

*volunteer at the food coalition*

*shave someone's head*

*sing every Christmas hymn*

*drive around and see all the lights while sipping hot chocolate*

*spend a day with my cousins*

*watch Elf*

*go skiing*

*go to the springville and byu art museums*

*make gingerbread houses*

*paint my nails festive-like*

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