Sunday, May 22, 2011

99 things to do this Summer

So last year we made a bucket list and it made our summer so much fun!! So I decided to make another one, this time though, with a completely different group of friends so we'll see how it turns out!
  1. Go Cliffjumping
  2. Go on the Mona Rope Swing
  3. TP someone
  4. Go out to Breakfast
  5. Go Golfing
  6. Go Off-Roading
  7. Pay in ALL pennies
  8. Jump off a Bridge
  9. Dress your date at DI
  10. Have a Silly String Fight
  11. Go Camping
  12. Play Night Games
  13. Get on the Sammy's Wall
  14. Be a "YesMan" for a day
  15. Jump in a pool Fully Clothed
  16. Go to PPT
  17. Have a Bonfire
  18. Have a Waterfight
  19. Have a Movie Marathon
  20. Slip & Slide
  21. Learn how to do a New Trick
  22. Go to a REAL Salt Lake Game
  23. Play Chinese Fire Drill
  24. Get Henna tattoos
  25. Go to Denny's at 2 a.m.
  26. Give a cute stranger your number
  27. Go PowerBoxing
  28. Go Shooting
  29. Try everything on the Sammy's Menu
  30. Lie in the middle of the road and watch the traffic light change
  31. Dance in the Rain
  32. Milk a Cow
  33. Sleep-Over on the 4th of July
  34. Hike Stewart Falls
  35. Have a Picnic
  36. Go Rafting
  37. Go to a YardSale
  38. Go to the Aquarium
  39. Finish a Kong Cone
  40. Go to a Midnight Movie Premiere
  41. Give Dennis food
  42. Go to a concert
  43. Tape someone (Mike) to a Pole
  44. Do Baby Cone Shots
  45. Go to St. George
  46. Stay awake from Sunset to Sunrise
  47. Have a Waterballoon fight
  48. Get a six pack
  49. See who can get the Most Stranger's numbers in a day
  50. Visit the Hot Pots
  51. Have a Paint Fight
  52. Go Mini-Golfing
  53. Have a Photo adventure
  54. Go to Boondocks
  55. Cut a Boy's Hair
  56. Go to a Rodeo
  57. Chalk someone
  58. Get fake tattoos
  59. Visit  a Haunted House
  60. Tag something
  61. Go to a fair or festival
  62. Go Hot air Ballooning
  63. Have a Food Fight
  64. Fly a Kite 
  65. Ride on a Ferris Wheel
  66. Go Boating
  67. Go Rock Climbing
  68. Egg Someone
  69. Play Fugitive
  70. Go to Lagoon
  71. Go to the Zoo
  72. Go Tandem Biking
  73. Go on the Moonlight Ski Lift
  74. Sneak Out
  75. Go Animal Crackering
  76. Go ATV/Dirt Biking
  77. Hand out a Book of Mormon
  78. Go Coning
  79. Play Tag/Hide & Seek in the Mall
  80. Order something off the Secret Menu at jamba Juice
  81. Go see something that is the "World's Largest"
  82. Get kicked-out of Wal-Mart
  83. Hike the "Y"
  84. Progressive Meal Date
  85. Dye Hair
  86. Sneak into BYU Dance
  87. Have a BBQ
  88. Play a legit game of SEX
  89. Go ice blocking
  90. Go fishing
  91. Go to Vegas
  92. Go Stargazing
  93. Make a Meal from Scratch
  94. Go UP the DOWN escalator
  95. Go to a Drive-in Movie
  96. Go streaking/skinny dipping
  97. Read a book
  98. Go to Deer Creek at night
  99. Spend a day in Salt Lake

Last year...
Slept over on the 4th of July
Animal Cracker-ed

Paint Fight!!

Water Fight!


Mona Rope Swing

Got kicked out of Wal-Mart


Pulled an All Nighter  -  with some help from 5 hour energy

Got sweeeet tattoos!

Snuck out...

Gave a cute stranger my number!

Last summer was a blast!! Hopefully this year will be just as fun if not better!

Friday, May 6, 2011

So it looks like I've finally given in to this blog craze! So I'll start off with the usual get to know you sort of ordeal

  • I can be a quiet person.  In fact I think a lot of people think I am shy.  But it's more of a "I'm content with quietness" sort of thing than a "I'm too shy to talk to you" thing.  I don't feel the need to fill up silence with chatting.
  • I doodle.  A lot. I think I'm a little A.D.D. since I can never listen to anything without drawing some strange design on every paper in sight.  My teachers absolutely hate it.
  • I am a terrible listener.  Most of the time I listen for about a minute and then talk about myself.  It's a really selfish habit I have and I am trying to be better, OR I just sit there and don't have any brilliant pieces of advice, BUT I'm good at keeping secrets which should count for something right?
  • I go through phones like toilet paper. 6 in the past year. All beauties.
  • I drive a cute little truck! She has no cup holders, no tape deck, bad tires, no AC, the heater doesn't work simultaneously with the radio, and I absolutely suck at driving her.. BUT it's still fun:)
  • I love photography.  My dream job is to be a photographer for National Geographic. That would be absolutely amazing.
  • I love to laugh ha ha ha ha loud and long and clear ha ha ha ha! No but really I do. I will probably laugh at anything remotely funny. Especially when nobody else is. Which then makes the situation even funnier
  • Ducks. are. adorable. I went to the pet store the other day and... they sell ducks!!! Who knew?! And now ever since then, I want one. I can't stop thinking about it. Ever. ducks. ducks. ducks!
  • I love being with friends, even when we're doing nothing at all.  I just wanna be with them and have fun all the time!
  • Most people drive around, windows down, blasting rap or pop or rock or something unoriginal like that.  Not us.  We are classy people. Jazz is all you'll hear coming from our car.
  • I kind of like clothes. A lot.  
  • I do a little victory dance every time I get a green arrow to turn left - except not so much lately with driving a stick and all.. but it still makes me extremely happy
  • I ALWAYS have something in my hair.  Always.  (right now its a black and white feather extension. first time I've ever paid someone else to put something in it)
  • I honestly do not like haunted houses.  I don't get the thrill of going in and scaring the crap out of yourself.  Most of the time I don't even get scared, I just get an awful nasty feeling. So ya. I'm pretty boring when it comes to stuff like that.
  • TimTams are amazing.  I could quite easily eat a whole package and not share with ANYONE. And I wouldn't feel bad at all.
  • I live for the summer time. the sun. the tan. the time. the friendships. the memories. the late nights. the carefreeness. all of it.  Winter is alright, you get to wear scarves and gloves and leg warmers without looking idiotic, oh and you get to go SKIING!! But winter kind of ends up being never ending and summer ends in a blink of an eye.
  • I absolutely, positively love to travel! It's so exhilarating! I've been to 9 different countries and plan on going to a million more. That's right. A million

          Happy Friday Lovecats!