why people do drugs and drink consistently, is beyond me.
even though they've been warned throughout their entire life and been given great examples of why they shouldn't, they still do.
i'm not judging.
i get that its fun, that you can get away from everything, party, do crazy things you wouldn't normally do, and that it's just so great!
but really?
how great is it?
how many families have been torn up because of it?
how many relationships have been ruined because of it?
how many stupid things have you done that you'll regret?
is it actually making you happy?
i don't know the answers to all of my questions.
i do know countless families broken up because of it.
i've seen it in my own.
watched how devastated family members are.
been devastated with them.
80% of my friends from last year all do it.
are we still friends?
because of it?
i'm not sure.
i do know it played a very big part in it though.
it may make you seem happy for awhile.
but in truth its not helping.
its hurting everyone around you
but honestly do you care?
that's the saddest part.
is that you just don't.
so my view on drugs?
they suck.
speaking from experience:
it's just not worth it