Sunday, August 14, 2011


if there's one thing i hate the most, its people who conform.
yes, i may be guilty of copying trends or basing ideas off of someone else's, but at least i put my own spin on it
or at least i think i do
i'm not exactly sure what i'm trying to say here...
i'm so sick of everyone doing the same exact things just because everyone else is doing it.
would you really put feathers in your hair if no one else was doing it?
i'd like to say that yes i would 
but 99% of these people with those stupid feather extensions in their hair would never even think of doing something like that if it weren't for the hundreds of other people doing it.
now i'm not saying there's anything wrong with copying other people,
(ok so maybe i am)
be creative
stop trying to be someone else
no one wants to know people that are all the same
that would be known as BORING
live a little
that's all :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

you can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks or even months
over analyzing a situation; 
trying to put the pieces together, 
justifying what could've, would've happened...
or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and 
just keep going